Wednesday, May 07, 2008

On Mother's Day ...

pencil sketch of a mother-baby from one of my old scrapbooks :) ..

Mother - who ever found that word must be idolized . How do they become so dear to one ? Is it just because of giving birth ? Damn sure the answer is a big NO .. In this world where we even get a womb to hold the embryo , Mother has to have more meaning than just giving birth .

Love -From the time a baby is born , she guards him under her wings until he is mature enough to take off . She is the ONLY one who keeps the same love towards her child from the day 1 to the time he parts .Hers is " the unconditional love " that exist at all . It doesnt demand anything , but Love in return .

Share - our happiness n sorrows - She shares and cares - all her happiness with her child and shares all his sorrows and bear it as hers .She lives our joys . She hides her tears when she is in pain but shed it liberally when her child is in pain . No one else can do that . She makes us face our fears and overcome it .

Dream- She shares our hopes and dreams . 'Only' she wants the best out of/for her child and would be the best critic of her child , even if it hurts . Because no one else would even bother to correct you or want you to follow the right path or do the right thing, but Mother .

Forgiveness-And they are for-ever forgiving, for, " to forgive is Mother's " , not anyone else's . That is Mother's Love n fortunate are those who realizes it early enough when they are still around us . As the saying goes " its never late to tell her how much she is loved and adored " . 'Coz if not for her, you would not have been here reading this :) .

I still remember the good old days when my brother n I used to wait for our Mother to reach home every weekend from the town of her workplace . Seeing her half-way through the long narrow road , we would run towards her , cling on to her from both sides and she would hold us tight as her face glow with joy. ( Who knew what that joy meant then ?! ) And what s the first thing that we do ? Dig into her bag, as we know for sure that she must have gotten something for us , not just something , our favorite Chocolate ! Take it out , run away , take few bites and then keep the rest safe in the refrigerator to munch on later . Its just one of the trillion memories that I have in my golden casket of memories ..

Love endures all, esply Mother's . And that is the only one that stays without fading ever . For a lifetime , it stays unconditional and unchallenged .She will remember her child's first days , first smile that filled her heart and soul ,his first laugh and first fall .. and they will be stored in her memories .. she is the most wonderful being , who knows to love n to love n to love n to love n to love ........... No one can replace her !!

with love ...

Mother's Day is May 11 th ..Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there :) ..